Thursday, February 28, 2013

Last day of Febuary

Today is the last day of febuary  , no 29 this year .

A lot have happen this month ,summer course have ended where i am one step closer to graduation even though the end result was not satisfying . Have cny celebration which result in alot of red packet and food and feast which increase our/ mine fat/cholesterol level. Lack of exercise which create the result from the previous sentences .

Alot of happy moment , also sad moment was included . That's how life goes , always there would be up and there is definately be down .

Febuary , the second month of the year . Also the shortest month in a year . The month where valentine is held and every year have to sepnd alone  . No chocolate other the one that mum buy , pity me. Hope there will be a year where chocolate can just appear before me and I have no need to pull a single note or silver for it.

The month going to end in an hour time , let's pray for the better tomorrow , a better weekend , a better future.

So, what you want to change for the next month?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Such a hard thing to do , judging a person .

You may think one as a friend , but how could you know how a person think deep inside their mind ?

Such tedious routine have to go round and round until you learn the trick to it.

And the trick to it?

Who knows ? Find that out yourself . Maybe you will found it before your time run out.

Trust you gut more , at least you have some thing to back you up. There are time that your gut feeling is the best indicator on thing.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

P S I love you , waiting

Saw this at Plaza Singapura last month . Remembered that there was a movie with the same name but never watched . Always forget about it and maybe will watch on the coming week if time permit me.

The heart doesn't have very clean heart shape and part of it was damage .Still this kind of thing was quite nice to see .

Sit at that corner while waiting for my jean to be fix and playing my phone until a pair of women sudden show up and look at me with the "what's a guy doing here look" that I went to shop before the appointment time to collect my jean.

Been a while since I went to PS. Remember that i use to go as frequent as possible for movie and food while staying at Singapore. A lot have changed since then , the place have been expended and more shop was added to the list for those shopaholic.Kind of good to hang around but not so good for the health of my wallet.
Not sure whether it's still there or not since it's a month old . Maybe next time will go back and check on it.

Monday, February 25, 2013

candle , light bulb , firework

The common trade of the three object ? They give out light and burn themselves in the process of doing so.

People love them , whether it's the romantic dinner that involve candle who illuminate the lovely vibe between the two love bird. Or bulb that light up everyone eye when they are in total darkness and also becoming part of the decoration especially during festival season . And how could the night end without a bang where the night sky not only be decorate by the beautiful milky way and star which was brought to us by the mother nature but also some man made sparkly beauty firework.

The trio was a great companion when you need them . Some will stay at your side when you really need them , other will stay at mind , your heart as part of the memories in life , a part that you may never forget in your entire life.

In life , your definitely going to meet people like the trio. Salute to them as they are the one that bring a better future , made the world a better place. And you , can be part of them and of course not in the sense of burning yourself in the process , but be person that shine the world . That world does not need to be big , maybe it's just a person heart , or your a little more  ambitious a a couple more people heart .

That's for the night , night . Sweet dream.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

entry for 24/2/2013

Today is the last day for 2013 Chinese new year . It's called yuan xiao where it's the last day of celebration . For more detail please consult our free and almighty teacher which are called Google and yahoo .

Rush back from singapore in the morning and realize that dad have done all the praying .  Lesson of the day would be always , always made a phone call and confirm thing before making a decision. Could have stayed a few more day if we know that thing will turn out this way.

Still the very relax mood in wait for the new semester to began . Watch two episode of running man and going to get all of them from friend and watch before thing get ugly when the semester start to rack havoc .

Going to settle all the bill soon . Another hole in my bank account . Gosh , the cycle have started before I even got a paid check . Can imagine that the amount of bill that going to tie to my monthly deduction list when I finally start working.

Still a long time before that happen , and thus , enjoy life , student life.

PS: all the good stuff are for student , really miss the student price movie ticket . Even the rate given for credit and debit card are not as good as student price.



就讓我把每一個你摟在懷裡說愛你,BABY BABY就是你,
OH YOU'RE THE ONE FOR ME我早就深深著了迷,就快點給我你的心.

就讓我把每一個你摟在懷裡說愛你,BABY BABY就是你,
OH YOU'RE THE ONE FOR ME我早就深深著了迷,就快點給我你的心.

BABY BABY就是你,藏在心中的秘密,要和你在一起,這是多麼的甜蜜,
OH YOU'RE THE ONE FOR ME我早就深深著了迷,就快點給我你的心.

BABY,快給我你的心 OH YOU'RE THE ONE FOR ME我會永遠在這裡,
不停不停等著你 BABY快給我你的心 BABY BABY就是你,

credit: 潘瑋柏 反轉地球 專輯

PS: one of my favorite  song 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

letting go

One of the hardest lesson to learn. many people could do any thing, but  letting thing go , whether material , though or people , just ain't made for those people.

Even I am part of such group , it really take a lot of effort to move away from one thing that is one closely tie to you . Some time , time can be the catalyze for moving forward . But other time , people will just temporarily let out of thing , until they are being remind again .

So ? what's your choice ? let it go and be free or not ?

Friday, February 22, 2013

one piece film z

Watched this movie today . Not bad really . Japanese movie really know how to capture that heart warming moment . Still in cinema , catch it while it's till on theater .

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Really appreciate and impress by those that can constantly produce new idea .

Running short on idea to write about , or maybe just plain laziness that shut my mind down?
Running out of idea was a indication that you should either start recharge yourself either by rest or further enhancement to your brain. No eating of brain is involve in the brain enhancement mention above .

Rum would be good as I think some of the crazy idea come after drinking of rum. A toast to the creator of rum.

Running man cannot be forgotten as it's a idea generation program and from the look of it you can see how much idea and effort was put into it.

Run with your idea now , you may have a straight way to being a million or billionaire .

Reign the present and the future with your determination and brain .

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

entry for 20/2/2013

There is so much that are waiting for me to settle , so much .There is studies to be completed which will last for another year hopefully , or must ended by then. There are so many thing missing in the house, so many that was needed , and yet there is no cash that fill in the inventory .And all that await for me to fill in when i started to get my paid check.

There is this feeling that I have made the wrong choice , and from the look of thing now, that choice was really wrong .Yet there is no way to turn the gear of time backward , nobody can . There is only looking forward , and really believe that I can pull out the stun like always , and solve the crisis in the house.

Crysis 3 was out, but has no mood for it. Have stopped getting new game for a while. The last game that was purchase was mass effect 3 and that’s a story that will keep me accompany for a long period of time. Not saying that I will give up gaming just that the time now, the cash are better spends on other stuff.

T minus 11 day until the new semester start. And that’s where all de fun began.
Good night and sweet dream. Brush your teeth and they will be happy.

Monday, February 18, 2013


RJ time again, just that this time there is no 2359 and daily grade that come with this RJ.

Realize that this whole RJ(reflection journal ,part of the assessment for the daily grade ) thing from RP(Republic Polytechnic) was actually good that we can became better , just that really hard for one to keep doing it . So for all the RPian that survives the three year doing all this, good job. No more RJ after this but the self reflection thing is quite good, so keep that part up.
Still have one more week for my holiday as I have attended summer class , my long holiday have reduce to this three year where one have been Chinese new year .Going to enjoy the second week and the week after before the new semester start .
Listen to some old music, looking for the old memories that have been forgotten .Watched a Singapore drama after so many years. How many year have it been since I have sit in front of the television to watch a local drama? Sure have been a long time and got to saw that the feeling sure is good. That’s how my childhood is, watching drama since 7 till 10 and sleep after 10:30 after the channel 8 news .How nostalgic the feeling, to do thing that I have not done in a long time but used to do every day.

Maybe our family have changed, maybe I have changed, May not able to go back to that very simple and happy family any more. Still going to try hard to look for that simple happiness .All that’s matter, and nothing more.


Have a sweet dream or day depend on when you reading this.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

watch , time

Ever since we were born, the one person that was closer to us other than our family would be time .Everything is linked to time, and literally every thing.

E.g. The time and day that you were born, the day you get married, the day your son/daughter get married , the day your being called gramp , etc.

So from here you can see that time is very, very important in life.
Important in work: Too much late and your fired .Too slow in work and fired.
Relationship: being late allow your bf/gf to look around while waiting and chances that you being replace are created by yourself.

Two examples is enough, no way to list out all of them, so you know the cost.

Time can do a lot of thing. It could bring forward a new generation, a new era. It recorded, more efficient than any of your in car camera or cctv or any funny way to record thing that you can think of. That’s why archaeology is there, to find out what time have preserve for us.

The lesson time taught us? Figure yourself, and then you would know what time as a teacher have been for you.

Appreciate your time keeper, whether it is your phone or that watch that you inherit from your dad, they will play a part in your life , big or small.

Thank you.
n Good Morning.

what's your time now?

Friday, February 15, 2013

Youth, what's became of us

Got lectured during the gathering yesterday by a tutor teacher. Correction, a super tutor teacher. A lot of advising from her. She must have either been through a lot or have been doing some really heavy reading to reach such a stage. Hopefully no heavy drinking was involved in the process of her getting her life experience.

Time past like women shopping, slowly but surely when you realize, time have moved so much just like how woman fill up their wardrobe with all kind of trophy from their voyage in the time they have spend on sail through the vast ocean of shopping complex, either in the form of mortar or brick or a small window that house the whole world in it.

Time sure have past, five year was a lot of time. Every passing second we are a bit further than our youth and at the same time a bit closer to our end. The journey, the memories that was made, created, by ourselves, that’s the most important.  

Every passing moment, those that are still studying are closer to graduation. Whether it’s three month, half a year, one year or two year, we are definitely closer to it, to our reachable target that we try so hard to reach. Those that have passed that stage, another new phase of life await you.

Finally to the super tutor teacher that was doing both at the same time, we sure understand all those you had said , maybe some of us are doing or experience what you had said or not , appreciation was sure in our heart. Let’s hope that we all became what we wanted to became .Maybe some will became like what a teacher like you hoped them to be.  

Thursday, February 14, 2013


A new year for us Chinese , and a new year for us , those that born in 1991 .
The year 1991 , started a great generation .
That year , the year that I was born and so as many of my friend , and many more in the world.
We were one of the batch that most experience in change .
From the old school japan anime to the newer style . From the big black brick which was the ancestor of the current smart phone to the journey of it slimming down like what most girl wanted , a smaller and slimmer size and back to the old way of thing where big is good .
To where we witness the start of a new millennium on  that moment on year 1999 2359 59 . Not saying other's are not involve in it , but just that we are part of it .
Where we witness the return of Hong Kong to china on year 1997.
And many more that could be listed down , just that my brain are not an unlimited hard drive that could store unlimited amount of information.

All of us was already an adult by law , some may have even father or mother a child or two .
Many of us are leaving school and ready to embrace another part of our life . Whether to future spending more money or start to earn money is also at our concern now.
Many life experience was learn , whether we willing to learn it or not. All those made us what we are , what we mean to be , be it now or the future.
It's all those , either big or small made up our life .
And our life?
Love it , at the very least . That you that your talking about and nothing will start if you do not start love.
That's us , our journey.

The journey was not ended , just that the writer on this post was tired and going to the dream land for a short break . Will be back when the journey on the dream land come to a fruitful harvesting .

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

thinking of the past

Look at the calender and realize that two more it will the goat year again in the chinese calender. This would be the second cycle of the chinese calender in my life and the feeling about it was so diffrent when I was facing it ten year ago.

It made me realize how much time have past , and how much that I have experience in this amount of time . Many things have happen , good and bad . Time have made everyone who they are now. For me , time have forge me as a person , for better or worst it's not my judgement but for other to say.

Quite funny feeling , the same time as last year was thinking that this was my last year as student and now I was still a final year student when the coming semester open . Wonder what's await for me yo experience this feeling in such short duration of time?

Just hope that the last year will move smoothly like that previous one and able to graduate and start working . A long list of thing was await for the future paid check to complete it. Going to get a happy job with a happy paid check.

This is the fourth day of chinese new year , back to JB ready and going to enjoy this short amount time for break as the month come , a new beginning , a ray of light will shine through the sky.

Good night.

Thursday, February 07, 2013


Reach Kuantan for Chinese new year . The same routine every year . A lot of bad thing have happen last year, whether it related to us or not. Hope the snake year will have a stronger and better haki to keep all the bad stuff away this year .

Happy snake year to all who read this . ^ ^

sisisi , the snake saying good luck to all -_- .

Monday, February 04, 2013


Final completed , holiday mood for a while. Chinese new year on the way too . happy ending.