Christmas today , when to orchard to look at aunt performance .Unique way of celebrating Christmas this year. When to look for the shirt and no more s size , and m size fit but too long TT . Why? Why must like this? Only buy a magazine in kino and starbuck from 7-11 . Good improvement on money spending habit . ^^
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The day where everyone was talking for the past have finally come. Nothing happen the very split second the second hand on the clock move pass the 12 mark and today have arrive. Still there are a lot of thing going to happen today , a lot of work to be done later this day but after this the sweet holiday that's been waiting will arrive with grace. Also Christmas is following tightly on the tail of this good timing . May all be well.
Sunday, December 02, 2012
天使之恋 tenshi no koi
An old movie that i have for a couple of year , never complete the movie from start to finish . Still not able to do it but manage to watch a lot more than last time .REALLY touching love story , wonder why most movie with such genre come from japan ? Feel great after all the bad news from today have pass . Somehow it fill me with some strength to walk on and face the problem as avoidance will not solve the problem. Tomorrow will be the day that I face all the obstacle that was laid in front me. Life is a bumpy road , from the moment we were born a great journey have been started . Maybe you will walk on that journey alone , maybe with friend that are able to accompany you.Or just that special someone that will always by your side .
Life is full of wonder , everything can happen .
With the will , every obstacle can be overcome.
With time , every wound will became scar , and became the strength for the future .
With love , everyone can obtain happiness , and may the world be a happy place.
I haven found mine ,whatever I was looking for , I will continue the search and the journey for the future will continue .
They say that 21 December 2012 the world will end , if that's the case than we will survive.
They say that Earth will lose three day of light , if so let wait for the light to shine from the heaven again.
Waiting is not wrong , but for something or someone that will never appear ? I don't have the answer to judge that.
Still , this is a great movie . An art provide by the cell phone novel origin. Thank you to the writer who wrote this and the actor and the crew that produce this.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
source: internet
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Dance, step up and revolution
Watched step up revolution and what can i say , the franchise never let me down . It sure is a movie that worth the money for it's entertainment value. The choreography and the music in there was good , great actually for my standard .
Classic old step up love story in the plot but that alright ,we are in the cinema or at the lovely couch on our home to watch the hot guy and nice babe man . Who care's about the plot any way?
But seriously Kathryn McCormick is good ,good look , good bod and really a good dancer .Watch the movie and support her ^^.
Classic old step up love story in the plot but that alright ,we are in the cinema or at the lovely couch on our home to watch the hot guy and nice babe man . Who care's about the plot any way?
But seriously Kathryn McCormick is good ,good look , good bod and really a good dancer .Watch the movie and support her ^^.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
What would you do when you’re alone?
I start writing, that’s how I write this post. Alone at the
bus station now waiting for the bus that will bring me back home. There’s still
an hour more until the bus started and there is only half an hour of battery left
for my laptop, at least I would still have half an hour of writing time.
Looking at the person around me at KFC, friend, couple, and
family all which have their own companion around their side and look at myself
alone here typing, how it would be feeling now. No, not sad .Would say that I
have accustom to this feeling and that there is nothing more or less from it.
The holiday session is coming soon and sight of people
travel is full in this station. Local that worked at other places come back
while others back to their own home. Everyone wanted a place that they can
called home or at least a place that they can rest on .Yet there is still many
that would not have that privilege and still struggle for that goal. There is
nothing I can do for them, not even feeling pathetic for them as I have power
or strength to help them.
At least a few hour more until I can reach back home a place
that I have stayed for more than or at least seventeenth year . An old house,
but comfortable a place that can be called my own. Wait, the house was not
register under my name should considering buying one that can called my own.
Before that property come, a vehicle have to come first to
stand beside the old proton car that have service in the family for almost two decade.
I don’t think we will scarp the car but we does need a younger engine to
deliver us around. Now , what kind of car which one ?
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Nice tuesday
Nice Tuesday today is, the computer lab when smoothly and
the system flow chart was drawn with no problem at all ^^, a feat that deserve
a smile.
Went to the industry talk by Materialise about three D
printing .Now know that there is more to just two D printing on just paper but
now we can also print out a three d model. The cost, not so sure about that as
what was demonstrated was industry stuff, maybe the cost….. Not printing any
three D stuff so no going to find out. Like attending this kind of talk as can
observe the presenter and able to absorb what they have. Maybe not so much as I
think my presentation style have change as constantly and that may not be a
good thing as there won’t be any impression left onto the audience. Maybe just
too much of thinking and should just focus on leaving an impression that is
good enough for the audience to remember. The best thing on the talk is FREE
FOOD. It help me to save my lunch money, quite nice of them ^^. That the good
site of the school I guess as from observation there is food available after an
event, good thing they do and keep up.
Try out the inline skating at night and its good. Better
than last time as no blood was spilt this time, just a hard fall and that’s not
an issue just a painful butt for a while and some flash that I saw when I fall,
just that no worries. Able to maneuver better than last time but getting
problem on fully master the basic, basic is always the hardest to learn. Definitely
going to skate in the future, just need money for a pair of skate. Skates not
cheap , just going to get a good pair that can last for some time until I can
afford a real nice pair ^^.
Now, mola mola mola , please mole your way into my wallet ,
bank account or any place that I can get you .
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Believe ,belief
What do you believe in?
That's the question of the day .
I believe in myself , my ability to learn to adapt to thing , new environment and stuff .
Yet there is a problem in it .
What's that problem , which is the reason for the journey of life to discover it and me alone to find the answer to it.
I always meet wonderful person , guess that all my luck when to instead of luck of winning in gamble. Too bad that those person won't stay long in my life . Like rainbow appearing after a rain , a sign that warms one after enduring the cold rain .But they fade away quickly as well like snow fallen from the sky beautiful and not lasting .
Not complaining though , always good to have luck on your side and have good people around you.
Wondering when will that problem appear itself , or rather than problem what answer for what question that I am seeking for?
So there is nothing to do while living this life , only than will we meet.
So whats your belief ? What you believe in?
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Free ice cream , Gratitude
Everyone love free stuff , any thing that's free will attract crowd that's willing to q , to wait for it.
This time , the start of the night of free stuff is baskin robin ice cream. Many q for it, even two of my housemate .One ice , united all .
Still , thank to our best badminton player in our country , Dato Lee Chong Wei that we all have the free ice cream to enjoy . Kids look it , young girl and women look it , even old people and man can't say no to an ice cream . How wonderful night this is. Ice Cream the best and our Dato the best also ^^.
This time , the start of the night of free stuff is baskin robin ice cream. Many q for it, even two of my housemate .One ice , united all .
Still , thank to our best badminton player in our country , Dato Lee Chong Wei that we all have the free ice cream to enjoy . Kids look it , young girl and women look it , even old people and man can't say no to an ice cream . How wonderful night this is. Ice Cream the best and our Dato the best also ^^.
Friday, August 03, 2012
Couple , always combination that surprise
Saw many pair of couple in this short life of mine and everyday something new will pop out and surprise me . I am not really sure about the two that I hear of , not really knowing them till the detail , just can hope that nothing more bad than what have happen will happen on them .They are good people , so let them have some good fortune and not this kind of nonsense . Let's pray .
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Life here
Spend a lot of time with my iphone as that the only thing that can get me connected . I have reach half of my mobile broadband in the first week of the month and there is still 3 more week to go with half of the remaining bandwidth remain, maybe I shouldn't sign plan with such low amount of quota .Well just going to camp at the school library even though there is no studying and working going on from my part. Let's just be unique in a place where every one digging their head into the book and paper and I am here face book and writing this post on my blog ,how's that?
Life as a university student was't bad , at least for now . Just need to attend tutorial and you will get mark for that unit , how easy is that? And the quiz , well RP style just Google your way out for an answer.Google our best friend right ? and yahoo also .
Still need a little bit of push to get thing started , but there nothing that can't be done any way .Just relax and Wednesday coming and the cheapest day in a week for movie have come again :) .Going to watch ice age 4 , miss all 3 of the past movie so will catch this one.
Around evening now and time for dinner , hope all who visit here have a fill stomach . Enjoy your meal , food is life source.
Life as a university student was't bad , at least for now . Just need to attend tutorial and you will get mark for that unit , how easy is that? And the quiz , well RP style just Google your way out for an answer.Google our best friend right ? and yahoo also .
Still need a little bit of push to get thing started , but there nothing that can't be done any way .Just relax and Wednesday coming and the cheapest day in a week for movie have come again :) .Going to watch ice age 4 , miss all 3 of the past movie so will catch this one.
Around evening now and time for dinner , hope all who visit here have a fill stomach . Enjoy your meal , food is life source.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Fate is kind and cruel. It let's you find out the person that you feel like it's the most comfortable person to be with in the world , just being near that person made you happy and that's all you need .
Just when you feel like you have found that person , it pulls you away from them . Does fate does it so we can found a better person or something that can replace them?
So here I am , at a place that you was before . The same campus that you was in for the pass three year .Not so sure that I was happy here though , been pondering whether i should just start working as that way I can stay at Singapore . But now that I have made my choice I will follow it till the end.
I promise that I will use work to forget about all this and I think that I am acting on that promise now .I am not sure about that way of living but think will need it as study will become heavier at the coming week.
Maybe there is a chance but I walk pass it . So in here I will try to look for shadow , the one that belong to her . One and a half year and two month .Hope fate will pull the string again so that I can meet her in the future again. What matter now is that she was happy , and that's what matter the most in the world now.
Just when you feel like you have found that person , it pulls you away from them . Does fate does it so we can found a better person or something that can replace them?
So here I am , at a place that you was before . The same campus that you was in for the pass three year .Not so sure that I was happy here though , been pondering whether i should just start working as that way I can stay at Singapore . But now that I have made my choice I will follow it till the end.
I promise that I will use work to forget about all this and I think that I am acting on that promise now .I am not sure about that way of living but think will need it as study will become heavier at the coming week.
Maybe there is a chance but I walk pass it . So in here I will try to look for shadow , the one that belong to her . One and a half year and two month .Hope fate will pull the string again so that I can meet her in the future again. What matter now is that she was happy , and that's what matter the most in the world now.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Graduation day tomorrow . After 3 years of work finally the time for harvest has come. The fruit will be the sweetest on this day. For all who have move past this stage , a new path will appear before you and you yourself will hold the instrument to craft it such that it became a beautiful path in part of your life.
Saturday, May 05, 2012
The night before I went to NS . There is a Malay weeding going around just beside my house . Went to celebrate Vesak day at Permas Jaya and when to the Jusco there, it's being a while since we went there and some shop have been closed down . The A&W is gone :( , the only one left that I know of is the one at Bukit Indah . Have quite a interesting chat with a girl that call herself tequila . Why the name of an alcohol ? No idea , youngster now a day have different mindset compare to old bone like us. Never though of hearing the name herbal life again . Never forget how I got invited to their office at top of takashimaya when I was on the way to Cathay to catch a movie and realize that I need to work on my reject people skill.
The moon light tonight shine like the only thing in the world that can clear all trouble. All the thing that is within me still have not found their exit. A lot of thing and weight have being carry along for a long time. A lot of though have been drifting around and there is not way to clear them all of .
There was a lot of thing to work for but all for a very simple reason . My reason have been lost . After so many year ,when one turn their head around , they will found that the most important thing that one have , has been always been there but one fail to catch the glimpse of it.
Every thing has to end
so that another can begin .
The moon light tonight shine like the only thing in the world that can clear all trouble. All the thing that is within me still have not found their exit. A lot of thing and weight have being carry along for a long time. A lot of though have been drifting around and there is not way to clear them all of .
There was a lot of thing to work for but all for a very simple reason . My reason have been lost . After so many year ,when one turn their head around , they will found that the most important thing that one have , has been always been there but one fail to catch the glimpse of it.
Every thing has to end
so that another can begin .
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Takahashi Ryosuke
I always like this character from the racing manga initial D. The character was cool as he not just good looking in appearance and he have this amazing skill on driving and also a big brother that care for his brother and try to made the best out of his former gangster brother . I like his car a lot the MAZDA FC3S , a bit old for car to own in this age as the car is a classic Japanese car and will be hard to maintain.

(well? don't this car just cool?)
But what really attract me to this character is that he is able to find the best from other people and encourage them. As from the status that I have been reading from facebook now a days , I realize that people will do some crazy shit to be in the top of a ladder . I am not sure what damage are being done to my friend but it's kind of making the world a harder place to live thanks to those selfish individual that have nothing but them self. What have taken me in to him is not just that he is an awesome person himself but also care about other around him . He did encourage takumi (the driver of AE86 for the fujiwara tofu shop for those that dun know him) that he should not be satisfied and instead aim for the world with the talent he has.
I started reading this manga since 2005/06 but I really like especially this part as people around me always confident in my ability but yet I have not demon straight the suppose result that all this people are look forward to. I can't say that I am sorry about it since it was my own fault that I did not chase for those achievement and what can I say for a GPA of 3.2/4 , well life have to move on.
Just think about that the potential that are still lock inside me . A bit hard to find out how much is still there but there is sure the time to measure it will come one day.
Hope all who read this will find their unlock potential . Night.
(and below is the part of the story that I was talking about)
(well? don't this car just cool?)
But what really attract me to this character is that he is able to find the best from other people and encourage them. As from the status that I have been reading from facebook now a days , I realize that people will do some crazy shit to be in the top of a ladder . I am not sure what damage are being done to my friend but it's kind of making the world a harder place to live thanks to those selfish individual that have nothing but them self. What have taken me in to him is not just that he is an awesome person himself but also care about other around him . He did encourage takumi (the driver of AE86 for the fujiwara tofu shop for those that dun know him) that he should not be satisfied and instead aim for the world with the talent he has.
I started reading this manga since 2005/06 but I really like especially this part as people around me always confident in my ability but yet I have not demon straight the suppose result that all this people are look forward to. I can't say that I am sorry about it since it was my own fault that I did not chase for those achievement and what can I say for a GPA of 3.2/4 , well life have to move on.
Just think about that the potential that are still lock inside me . A bit hard to find out how much is still there but there is sure the time to measure it will come one day.
Hope all who read this will find their unlock potential . Night.
(and below is the part of the story that I was talking about)
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