Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Fourth June and fragment of Fifth June

Thank you, for melting all the ice around my castle , I believe that I have enough of cold for such a long period of time.
For letting sunlight flowing through the cloud that was covering my sky, for making the day a little brighter for one to bear with.
Letting me remember the music that I have forgotten long ago, and I did't even realize until you ring that bell inside my memories.
Making me believe in waiting , and wait for the arrival of the train that will carry me to the destination that I always hoped to reach

In any case that what I hoped for and wanted does not come through , let leave it that way first. Too much spoiler is bad for anything .

My mood was affected , since i heard thing that i don't wanted to and like to hear. But that's OK . Listen to the music that you brought back to me made me calm again, and continue to walking forward will made me even stronger . That, i believe .

That rainbow that I saw yesterday , that moment will always be there , to remind me of the warm i saw , to remind me of you that I was talking to , the person that I care for, you.

Now , let's be strong and move forward . Only the future is there to wait for us , for us to fill up the void that he hold dearly while anticipating our arrival.

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