Tuesday, May 07, 2013


I use to have them , until they was crush . 

Wash away by the tide of memories , and flow back like season bird. 

They was me , what I use to be use, what I use to have

That cannot be changed , cannot be deny , cannot be regain.

Nothing is same any more since then.

I was different , by all standard of normal  I am different .

Is that something more that was given to me ? Or a handicap that was given to me?

I do not know, nor I question it before .

No , I did . But I am too weak to seek for that answer that time .

Now, the answer matter little to me .

There are people that still care , people that appreciate . 

That , is enough .

I am moving forward , thank to you all , especially you.

Still I am not as good as you think I am , and maybe you will be part that made me becoming the one that you saw in your vision.

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