Thursday, March 28, 2013


The most difficult lesson in life , a lesson that not every one will score a perfect ten or full mark for it. We are tied into the knot of relationship by the moment we were born . We were first tied to our family , the first connection , the first ever relationship that we have . Then we grow , we meet people and that's where the second relationship come , friendship . We made friend for all the time we were living . Some are temporary , where they fade away after some period of time . Some were beneficially , where we bonded due to mutual benefit. And lastly there were what we called eternal , friend that last for life , until you or them left the world , and yet after memories still exists .

The  third one , relationship between two person .The one that caught a lot of people on the endless spider net . Not much is known since the author of this post have not experience much on this and thus no comment on this . Just know that it some time end in happy ending where the two get together and live happily forever and  after where some it ended with a broken heart of glass with endless sleepless night and a wound that continue to bleed endlessly .

When you pass the third stage , you may or may not have the fourth one , a relationship as a parent and child .Another though phase that one have to faced . Really have no comment on this as I have no children .

The whole of our life is likely to revolve around human relationship . And yet all of us are having a not so smooth way to solve all those problem that we faced.

Treasure what you have , you may have nothing at the next second of your life.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Things that belong to you

In one life every one will bound to possess something. Any thing could be yours if you wanted , have the will to own it , have the heart to get it.

There are thing that you really liked that always appear at the wrong time . Some time you really have to wander how such thing could happen to you? Why that you luck could not be a little better so that it will appear on a different time , on then right time .

Trying to get those thing will be a fouls attempt , chances of failing is great . Not very good investment . And some time things will go really bad at the rate that you could not believe . Mess it up and it may change from a moment in your memories that is nice to be recall go the nightmare of your life that can never be erase , like a scar from a very bad wound that stick with you for the rest of your life .

Life is such , journey of a life is also a such . A such of what ? That's your interpretation, your own answer .

Life is like a coffee , which many combination is available .

Finding yours is your own job .

PS:Please substitute coffee with other drink that have similar property if you cannot consume coffees . Thank you.

Friday, March 22, 2013


That is the world we were in , human civilization . Currently the one that populate planet earth along with the other organism .

People , a factor that appear in a lot of system and theory that we study in college that most of the time label as uncertainty . Right , there is no way , no hundred percent way for us to predict a human action or movement . There is always chances that a person intuition will change the course of action that he/her will take in the next minute.

That was not just the part that human was unpredictable in  . Some , are just like the mother nature , change in an instant . Like a relationship , one party can change heart in the next second while the other was still immerse in that wonderful atmosphere .

But that is human nature right? At least for some that is . More unpredictable that the storm that is going to land beside me in few hour time.

Lightning strike now , need a break .

Will be continue .....................................

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


Lesson have started as the new semester have kick start. Nothing heavy on the first week but can imagine how thing will move for the rest of the eleven week .

Quote time

: the world does not resolve around you . Your not the center of the sol system nor the Milky Way and definitely not the center of the galaxy. Nothing is wrong if your not the center of another person life as that's not why you was born . Remember at least your the center of the world for your family , your parent , the friend that care for you and maybe if fate and Cupid have been kind and caring enough , a special person will resolve around you like you are the center of gravity , which hold him/her closely to orbit around you.

Music , relax , a tired body that await to journey in the land of dream.

Adios , night . Sweet dream.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Though after watching lets play love

After watching the web drama let's play love on xinmsn , I think that it's a good thing that new element was being tested and I personally like it. Just that it's a bit short with each episode consist only of three minute, would be better if it could be a bit longer so that more can be explore.

Also saw the intro video where the cast answer about the question what is love. They have quite some answer there , and more can be search on the Internet and everyone will have their own unique answer .

To me, love is dream. That's what love mean for me , not sure whether it will change in the future but as for this moment , this is my answer to that question.